News from the PVM Team

With Our Sincerest Thanks to the CDC

Written by The PVM Team | June 15, 2021

The most important lesson that COVID-19 gave us is that we are in this together.  

The institutions that stand between the public and the dangers of communicable disease have often performed a job that seemed invisible; it wasn’t until disaster struck that pandemic response and prevention was thrust into the spotlight as the vital and heroic endeavor that it always has been behind the scenes.  

In 2020, we learned not only to appreciate those institutions; we learned that everyone has a role to play in achieving the goal of public health.

At PVM, we believe in honoring that role to the very best of our abilities. That’s why we always jump at the chance to offer our services to the bulwarks of public health, like the CDC. 

Epidemiology can be staggering business. From the very inception of its modern form in the 19th century, when John Snow charted hundreds of figures across a map of London to prove that one specific water pump was the source of a merciless Cholera outbreak, the field of epidemiology has revolved around one key characteristic: data. The collection, verification, and analysis of data about disease outbreaks is the fuel that makes epidemiology work. And with today’s technology, our ability to manage and analyze data is more powerful than ever. Even John Snow would be astonished. 

That’s why it’s so important that institutions like the CDC always stay on the cutting edge of data storage and analysis technology. So it was with tremendous pleasure that we received the news of our SEDRIC Migration Team being given the CDC NCEZID Excellence in Information Technology Award for our work helping them transition from Palantir Gotham to Palantir Foundry

We could not be prouder of our developers who worked on this project—we’d like to give a special call-out to Software Development Lead, Enoch Andersson, and Deployed Solutions Engineer, Eddie Mata, for their work. We’re proud of our partners at Palantir, but most of all, we are grateful to have had the opportunity to contribute to the important work that the CDC does to protect the public health.  

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to the CDC and to the National Center for Emerging and Zoonic Infectious Diseases. Our motto is Expect the Best, and you inspire us to do just that every day! 

- The PVM Team